Create own Android browser

Maxthon allows us to create a own browser without any knowledge of coding.

Okay! lets start.

1. Goto Maxthon Mobile page (Click HERE)
2. Click on Make it now button.
[Image: 73CQyil.png]
3. Now you will get 5 questions just answer it.

3.1. Name of the Browser
[Image: FkVvWFQ.png]
3.2. Browser icon
      Click on Customize and select your own icon. Note: Icon size is           72x72px
[Image: qapbAMU.png]
3.3. Set your Homepage.
       Click on customize to give your desired homepage link.
[Image: INMmP0P.png]
3.4. Splash Screen
      This is the screen which appears first. you can customize it. Click         on Upload on your own Note: 480x800px
[Image: k8h5MxU.png]
3.5. Now enter your email ID.
[Image: Pxg6fMw.png]
Now just click on Create Android Browser Button and get some relax.
[Image: DiQMQ98.png]

Hooray! check your email ID for the download link.

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Recovery data from USB

We use Pendrives often and when we plug in our pen drive, memory cards or even mobile phone through USB cable into our windows PC USB port sometimes we are annoyed to see our files changed into shortcut files, even this shortcut virus affects PC Hard disks.

I have seen this problem in PC having antivirus too, when your Pen drive, PC, Hard Disk, Memory cards or mobile phone got infected by some anonymous malware, they change your files into shortcuts with the original folder icons.
so how to recover the affected files?

TechReg has the solution for this problem...
TechReg's USB Rectifier solves this problem.

Follow the steps:

1. Select the USB Drive 
2. Click the Retrify Button to start the retification process. 
3.if you want to delete the Shortcuts click on Delete Shortcuts button 

Download @



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