Software to identify if a photo has been altered/ photoshopped


There is a software named 'JPEGSnoop' that uses one of the all techniques implemented in computer forensics  that compares the JPEG quantification table to determine if any change has been made in a  photo using any image editing software .
Steps to do it:

1. Download  JPEGsnoop , extract the zip file, here you will see an executable file named JPEGsnoop.exe, it is a portable software, so it does not have to be installed. So to start the software you need to click on JPEGsnoop.exe

2. When you use this software first time, you will see a licence agreement window, check “I have read the terms” box and click OK. 

3. Now a window like following will appear. Drag the image to this window and wait for the report to generate. 

4. When the report is generated, scroll down to the last paragraph of this report and look for the word "assessment".  Here if it says “Image is processed/edited”, then the image is surly been passed through the image editing software. 

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